9-Point Motor Function Test



What is the test? An oculomotor test that consists of nine points of gaze, each presented one-at-a-time. The test takes approximately 18 seconds and provides a wealth of information on oculomotor behavior and binocular vision.

9-pt motor positions of gaze.png

What is the purpose of the test? The purpose of this test is to measure the cardinal positions of gaze, at near. The points of gaze are located throughout the screen to measure the six muscles of the eye as they move around the three axis. These positions of the eye are innervated by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (Leitman, 2021).

six ocular motor muscles.png

Why is this important? Testing the neurological stability of fixation gaze given “fixation is an afferent and motor process: retinal sensory afferents produce efferent signals towards the extraocular muscles in order to maintain eye position. This can imply visual impairment, or eye diseases such as macular degeneration or scatoma.

The RightEye test works by using eye tracking technology. The technology enables us to precisely see, record and quantify where the patient is looking.  Various oculomotor calculations are derived from the 9-Point motor function test. Calculations (metrics) for the 9-Point Motor test include: Distance between the eyes, measured in millimeters, also referred to as interpupillary distance is measured from the center of the left and right pupils. Pupil diameter is the average, standard deviation, and range of the pupil size, measured in millimeters.  Of particular interest for examination of binocular vision testing and oculomotor function is both the disparity and displacement metrics.

cardnical gaze positions.png


Example of Metrics Table. (D) Diopters. (mm) Millimeters

9 pt fixation point example.png

Pupillary Metrics Measures
Pupillary Distance (mm) 63.66


Disparity Metrics (D) Measures
Midline Primary 2.79
Superior Left 5.94
Superior Right 5.04
Inferior Left 3.52
Inferior Right 5.20
Midline Left 0.65
Superior Midline 2.27
Midline Right 6.03
Inferior Midline 3.49


Disparity is a measure of the distance between the left eye gaze point (light blue dot) and the right eye gaze point (dark blue dot) at each of the gaze locations and reported in diopters.


Pupil Diameter Metrics Right Eye Left Eye My Eyes
Mean Pupil Diameter (mm) 4.06 4.05 4.06



Horizontal Displacement (D)

Right Eye

Horizontal Displacement (D)

Left Eye

Vertical Displacement (D)

Right Eye

Vertical Displacement (D)

Left Eye

Midline Primary 3.03 0.27 2.01 1.63
Superior Left 0.72 3.85 4.35 0.56
Superior Right 5.68 0.74 1.47 0.43
Inferior Left 0.74 1.41 4.15 1.35
Inferior Right 4.95 0.20 0.47 1.65
Midline Left 0.95 1.60 1.82 1.79
Superior Midline 1.83 0.93 0.65 2.74
Midline Right 4.35 1.09 0.14 2.46
Inferior Midline 1.42 1.99 0.48 1.25


Horizontal, and vertical displacement for each eye (left and right), at each target point, is conveniently reported in diopters

The 9-Point Motor Function Test has been evaluated for its reliability, that is the consistency of results, which according to gold standards (the Cronbach Alpha; Fleiss, 1986) has passed with a rating of “very good” (CA = .831). The test has also been examined to ensure it provides similar results to the Cover test at near. When comparing the Cover test results to 9-Point Motor Function test results there are no statistically significant differences in either the left or right eye results. Therefore, the output can be used inform doctors as to alignment, or misalignment of the eyes. Furthermore, the test quantifies the misalignment in each point of cardinal gaze for each eye. Hence a doctor can see and quantify the extend of alignment and determine if the patient has orthophoric (normal) or non-orthophoric (abnormal) alignment.