Cardinal Gaze Position


Test taker will look at the solar system. When arrow appears with an alien on the end, look at the red dot in the center of the alien. The alien will blow up using your eyes only.

What is the test? The RightEye test follows the same stimuli as Choice Reaction Time test, however, the test taker must only press a key when he/she sees one specific stimuli, and press nothing for the other two.

What is the purpose of the test? This test measures speed of the eye to each of the cardinal positions, disparity between the eyes, and accuracy. Cardinal positions measured are (a) superior left (b) up © superior right (d) left (e) right (f) inferior left (g) down (h) inferior right.

Why is this important? The RightEye test, reports simple visual reaction time and ranks the speed of each eye movement which is critical for sports performance.

This RightEye test allows cardinal gaze positions to be tested specifically to the millisecond allowing the user to see the direction of his/her fastest and slowest eye movements.

Life Example: An example of everyday use of cardinal gaze position would be a baseball player focusing on the pitched ball’s speed and hitting it.


Saccadic Latency (ms): refers to the difference, in milliseconds, between when the stimuli appeared and the eye moved off the target. Disparity is taken between the left and the right eye (represented in mm). Accuracy: Excellent = within 9mm diameter, Good = within 18mm diameter, Acceptable = within 36mm diameter, Missed = outside of 36mm.

Cardinal Gaze Position (#): is a ranked order of fastest to slowest visual reaction speeds across all eight cardinal eye movements.

Visual Reaction Speed (ms): measures the difference  between when the eyes leave the central target (solar system) and when they hit the peripheral target (alien). This is then averaged over a number of trials.

Binocular Disparity (mm): refers to the difference between the left and right eye gaze points at the time the eyes hit the target.

Accuracy (mm): refers to the location of gaze points within the target. If the eyes’ average gaze hits the center of the target (within 9mm) then excellent is reported. If within 18mm then the result is good, if 36mm then result is acceptable, if outside 36mm then the result is missed.