Reference Data Versions

RightEye uses anonymized demographic information collected during testing to create and validate a reference data utilized in some RightEye reports. When this dataset is updated, reports that utilize our reference data are also updated, including those assessment reports originally generated prior to the new dataset's release. Information on our varied datasets can be found below.

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Version 3.0: January 2021 - Present

  • Version 3.0 dataset consists of data from 61,000 participants and has ten age groups, up from five in version 2.0
  • Two forms of central tendency were added to improve accuracy (average and median)
  • Version 3.0 was made available for all tests, including games
  • Standard deviations were added
  • An in-depth analytical process was employed to improve accuracy
  • Age groups doubled which resulted in smaller ranges and spreads
Age Group Range Spread
1 to 3 N/A N/A
4 to 6 75-83 8
7 to 10 76-84 8
11 to 16 80-90 10
17 to 28 86-96 10
29 to 41 86-94 8
42 to 55 84-94 10
56 to 64 81-94 13
65 to 70 81-92 11
71 to 100 75-91 16

For more specific information on v3.0, click the information icon on each test. We will have a peer-reviewed article to view shortly.


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Version 3.0 Reference Data
Q. I want to see a report for a test I ran with the 2.0 dataset results. Is that possible?
A. No, all applicable reports now utilize the 3.0 version of the dataset. If you'd like to reference the 2.0 dataset age ranges while reviewing an older report see An Examination of the Oculomotor Metrics within a Suite of Digitized Eye Tracking Tests
Q. Are the overall scores or sub-scores for pursuits, saccades, and fixations changing? 
A. No, they are derived from a completely different analytical model and not the reference population.
Q. Now that the functional ranges are smaller, what if an individual was in range before and now they're not? 
A. As our dataset grows, the ranges and age groups become more defined. This gives you closer matches to individuals. Prior results are relevant, but you should use the new results for tighter analytical purposes. If someone falls outside the range with the 3.0 dataset, it just means they have a little more work to do to get within range.
Q. I have the first version RightEye system. Are the dataset results different across systems?  
A. RightEye has two systems in the marketplace. The first version system has a 24-inch monitor. The second version system is the FDA cleared, all-in-one, medical device. 95% of customers have the latter device. However, in order to serve all our customers, we ran statistical analysis and normative clusters across both systems. The age groups remain the same, however some of the individual metrics (means and standard deviations) differ slightly. Our software recognizes what system you have and shows you the appropriate results.
Q. Are the saccade data presented for the green light on or off? 
A. Green light ON. We ran a statistical analysis and found that having the green light on, versus off, showed significant differences. We have therefore separated these groups and show only the reference population data for green light on scenarios.
Q. Is the data normally distributed? 
A. Not always. Means are appropriate measures when the distribution is bell shaped. However, eye tracking data is often skewed and therefore the median, which represents the exact midpoint of any distribution, is often a better representation of central tendency. We display whichever measure is more appropriate.
Recorded Webinar: Dr. Melissa Hunfalvay Explains Our Reference Data

Version 2.0 - October 2017 - January 2021

Version 2.0 was calculated from a group of 2,993 individuals and resulted in five distinct age groups:

Age Groups
5 to 8
9 to 16
17 to 28
29 to 52
53 to 62

If you'd like to reference the Version 2.0 dataset, see An Examination of the Oculomotor Metrics within a Suite of Digitized Eye Tracking Tests

Version 1.0 - Pre-October 2017

Version 1.0 was generated from a minimum of 100 individuals for each test. A large enough data sample was not available for all tests. For questions on Version 1.0, please contact