Interpreting Reports - FAQs

What am I looking for when I review reports?
Our reports collect numerous metrics on eye tracking, which combined with your clinical analysis help tell a story of functional vision health. Because each report has quite a bit of information, we recommend looking for these eye movement themes:
  • Variability in eye movement: Is the gaze abnormally spread, are the pursuits variable, or are the saccades inefficient?
  • Targeting: Are the eyes hyper, hypo, or on target?
  • Deviations in eye movement: Do they exist in multiple places?
  • Abnormal patterns: Are you seeing an A pattern, V pattern etc., where eyes aren’t working well together?

When dysfunction is present, these themes will be visible on the report, and should help you evaluate your patients and ultimately recommend a treatment.

After multiple tests with one patient, why would the test-retest variability seem high?

If you’re not confident with the continuity of the results you’re seeing, check the following:

  1. Is the testing distance the same and in range each time?
  2. Have you cleaned your eye tracker between test sessions?
  3. Have you moved your system between test sessions?
  4. Were glasses or contacts worn consistently?
  5. Did their calibration results differ (view Quantitative Sensorimotor section)?
  6. Was the center calibration point marked as a failure? Even if all other calibration points have a green check, a person should recalibrate if the center point does not have a green check during calibration. This is different from the Quantitative Sensorimotor report on the one-page report.
  7. Try turning your system off and on between tests.
Can I still use the report if my patient isn’t in the recommended distance range?

If the test-taker's distance is significantly out of range, we cannot ensure the validity of the results and would recommend a retest. The eye-tracker is most accurate at the recommended range (55-60cm or 58cm-65cm, depending on your RightEye system). Always check the distance at the bottom of the report to ensure they were at the expected distance.

Why do the gaze replays tell a different story than the metrics? What are the red lines on the gaze replays?

Once our eye tracker captures raw data, it goes through a variety of filters. Those filters will identify aberrant eye movements and buffer that information out so we can calculate our metrics with 100% accuracy. While those aberrations are filtered out in the metrics, they remain in the gaze replays. The red lines are “intrusions” these are clinical valid eye movements. The other non-red eye movement aberrations are likely noise. We recommend you pay attention to any deviations in the patterns. Those together will tell you the story.

I see eye movements that aren’t physically possible. What does that mean?

These are likely aberrant eye movements caused by “noise”. Noise can occur in many forms e.g. light from a nearby window, reflection from glasses, a phone beside the system that starts vibrating. Remember, these eye movements are filtered out via our noise filters for metric calculation. They are not filtered out in gaze replays.

Why can the eyes look good in one area, like saccades, and not in others, like pursuits?

The three major areas of fixations, pursuits and saccades reflect different areas and mechanisms of the brain and can’t necessarily be compared to one another. Be sure to compare pursuits to pursuits, saccades to saccades etc. when trying to assess any dysfunction.

Why would metrics be worse after doing the home RightEye Trainer exercises?

This is not typical, and somewhat hard to answer without knowing the user or seeing their reports. It may be helpful to remember that the Trainer program is designed to isolate and treat the patient’s most prominent area of dysfunction. When comparing a prior report to a newer report, be sure to look at the area of improvement for which the Trainer was previously assigned. If that specific metric is not improved, check the other factors that may have affected testing i.e. distance, eye tracker cleanliness, calibration, etc. which we covered above. And of course eliminate any other factor that may be at play.