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An Examination of the Oculomotor Metrics within a Suite of Digitized Eye Tracking Tests

Nicholas Murray, PhD, Karla Kubitz, PhD, Claire-Marie Roberts, PhD, Melissa Hunfalvay, PhD, Takumi Bolte, MSC, Ankur Tyagi, MSC (2019). An Examination of the Oculomotor Metrics within a Suite of Digitized Eye Tracking Tests

Blink patterns and lid-contact times in dry-eye and normal subjects

Ousler, G., Abelson, M. B., Johnston, P. R., Rodriguez, J., Lane, K., & Smith, L. M. (2014). Blink patterns and lid-contact times in dry-eye and normal subjects. OPTH Clinical Ophthalmology, 869-874

Investigation of extended blinks and interblink intervals in subjects with and without dry eye

Rodriguez, J., Ousler, G., Johnston, P., Lane, K., & Abelson, M. (2013). Investigation of extended blinks and interblink intervals in subjects with and without dry eye. OPTH Clinical Ophthalmology, 337-342

Editorial: Neural bases of binocular vision and coordination and their implications in visual training programs

Coubard, O.A. (2015). Neurovision: Neural bases of binocular vision and coordination and their implications in visual training programs. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88919-655-5 

[Peer Reviewed Research] Examines using eye-tracking tests to measure horizontal and vertical saccades as a marker of damage to neural circuits associated with TBI

Melissa Hunfalvay, Nicholas P. Murray & Frederick Robert Carrick (2020) Fixation stability as a biomarker for differentiating mild traumatic brain injury from age matched controls in pediatrics, Brain Injury, DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1865566

Eye Movement Differences in Contact Versus Non-
Contact Olympic Athletes

Nicholas P. Murray, Melissa Hunfalvay, Christopher Mesagno, Brittany Trotter, Eva V. Monsma, Ethan Greenstein & Frederick Robert Carrick [2024}

Link to this article: 

Age- and Sex-Based Developmental Biomarkers in Eye Movements


Carrick, Hunfalvay, Bolte, Azzolino, Abdulrahman, Hankir, Antonucci,

Al-Rumaihi, 2024

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