We will be releasing an update to your RightEye system on October 2, 2019.
If you are testing during this window and experience any error, please exit to the green welcome screen and click “Take a Test” to continue with the update.
You should not experience any service interruptions during this release.
New EyeQ Trainer Features
EyeQ Trainer Pricing Pop-up removed
EyeQ Trainer is now included in your annual subscription fee. The pop-up notification regarding future pricing shown when enabling EyeQ Trainer has been removed.
Provider Settings page added
- Access from the upper-right corner dropdown menu ("Hello, (Your Name)")
- Enable EyeQ Trainer by default for all patients prescribed exercises - Users will be able to login and access EyeQ Trainer exercises immediately after testing.
- Important: This is effective only for new assessment going forward. Previous assessments will still need to be enabled manually.
- Enable EyeQ Trainer manually per patient - the default setting; users will need to be enabled on an individual basis.
Improvements to My Progress page
Click Here to Logout shows after completing 3 exercises
- Finished for the day logout button added next to Do More below progress tracker
Unsubscribe from EyeQ Trainer Emails
Users can now unsubscribe from reminder emails about EyeQ Trainer exercises. Unsubscribe links are included within the reminder emails.
Added clarifying message for EyeQ Trainer users who have not been enabled
Other updates
- Updated column headers on Provider Summary and User Details for clarity